Eating = Energy

Tips to Keep Moving

Are you yawning and dozing through your day at work or school? Here are some tips to keep you going strong all day long.

Start with Breakfast. Breakfast fills you up and gets you going. Low-fat yogurt with berries, whole-wheat toast and whole-grain waffles are quick and easy choices.

Snack smart. Your body needs a steady supply of fuel to keep up with the demands of the day. Eat regular meals and snacks. If you’re too busy to stop, then snack smart! Grab a banana, a mixture of fruit and nuts or low-fat yogurt.

Go with the grains, fruits and veggies. These foods give you energy along with lots of nutrition for your body and brain. Whole wheat bread or bagels go great with raw fruits and veggies like peppers, zucchini or tomatoes, or start your day off with a whole-grain cereal topped with a banana.

Don’t go without eating.
Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups: pita bread with hummus, a glass of low-fat milk or soymilk or an apple or celery sticks. Be adventurous—any fruit or veggie makes a good snack.

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